Video & Communication
We have the skills and professional figures to create, implement and publish online projects integrated with other multimedia products.
We create websites by ideating them both in structure and from a graphic point of view and we provide quality SEO optimized content for platforms and blogs, customized technical solutions and training to customers who require it to master their new tools.
We set up and manage social communication campaigns using copywriters, marketing experts, SEO specialists and professionals for paid advertising.
We also offer video creation services for television and the web such as spots, book-trailers, presentations and videoscribing using techniques ranging from motion comics to simple animation.
For all our services we provide our customers with our experience, our know how and the continuous search for the best solution both from a technical, narrative and aesthetic point of view.
Our Case Histories

Spot TV Wild Symphony by Dan Brown | Rizzoli
Dan Brown is not only the writer of The Da Vinci Code but he is also a composer. In Wild Symphony, the author’s first book for kids, Dan Brown ties together words and sounds to tell the story of an odd music band of animals, where everyone adds a unique sound and everybody is necessary.

Video animation Sempre al vostro fianco | Coloplast
Coloplast, an international medical device company, commissioned to Studio RAM a video to thank all the doctors, nurses and health care professionals for their untiring dedication shown during the first lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Video animation Sempre al vostro fianco | Coloplast
Coloplast, an international medical device company, commissioned to Studio RAM a video to thank all the doctors, nurses and health care professionals for their untiring dedication shown during the first lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

March, book-trailer | Mondadori Oscar INK
The end of American racial segregation wasn’t automatic but it was the result of many social protests, marches and even conflicts. John Lewis was the leader of one of the most active social movements and in 1965 he was at the forefront of the Selma march in Montgomery, event that was repeated in the following years.
Bea | Learn, Create, Share! | Website and web communication
Studio RAM takes care of the web communication and created the website of BEA, the Esperanto association from Bologna specialized in the writing of adult education european projects, which are erogated in Esperanto, the universal language that overcomes language barriers.

Bea | Learn, Create, Share! | Website and web communication
Studio RAM takes care of the web communication and created the website of BEA, the Esperanto association from Bologna specialized in the writing of adult education european projects, which are erogated in Esperanto, the universal language that overcomes language barriers.

Steve Hunters | Website and web communication
Steve Hunters is a toy trademark by Geoworld. The brand has been named after the comic book character of Dr. Steve Hunters, which was based on the paleontologist Stefano Piccini, owner of Geoworld.